next – Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst


logo-china-11all-logos2Graz (21.03.2010 – 25. 03.2010)


Information und Anmeldung:

A cooperation with next – Verein für bildende Kunst and NUROPE

Die Nomadische Universität veranstaltet in Graz eine Oase mit dem Titel „China goes Europe“.

Die Nomadische Universität kooperiert in Graz mit der Universität Graz, Stadt Graz, Land Steiermark, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, SINOplex, CSEND – Genf, AVL Cultural Foundation und der Botschaft der Volksrepublik China in Wien.

The nomadic university organizes an oasis by the name of „China goes Europe“ in Graz.

The Nomadic University cooperates with the University of Graz, National Chen Chi University, the City of Graz, Government of Styria, the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research, SINOplex, CSEND – Geneva, AVL Cultural Foundation and the Embassy of the People’s Republic in China.

Preliminary Program

Sunday, 21st March 2010 Comparative History

Location: Großer Veranstaltungssaal, Landesbuchhaltung, Burggasse 13

12:00 Registration and Coffee, Snacks, Refreshments
13:00-14:30 Introduction of all participants and presentation of the programme (Luise Kloos, artist, next-Verein für bildende Kunst Graz)
14:30-16:30 History of Graz, Walking and talking in Graz (guided tours)
16.30-17:00 Coffee at Burggasse 13, Großer Veranstaltungssaal

17:00-18:00 Welcome by Siegfried Nagl, Mayor City of Graz
„Chinese culture and history“ Introduction by the Counsellor of Embassy of People’s Republic of China in Republic of Austria Prof. CHEN Hanghzu

18:30 Location: Orangerie, Burggarten
Reception by Franz Voves, Govenor of Styria
Chinese music

Monday, 22nd March 2010 China goes Europe

Location: Literaturhaus, Elisabethstraße 30,

8:30 Morning Reflection
9:00 Welcome by Wolfgang Riedler, City Councillor for culture, Graz
9:30 15 min. „Knigge for China“ by Hong-Ling Yang, Univ. Graz
9:45 Coffee
10:00-11:00 Postcolonial studies lecture by Elisabeth Gigler, University Klagenfurt, lecture by Antony Frederiksson, Abo Akademi
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
a) Arts and Ideas
Giuseppe Castiglione (1716-1766), Yan Fu (1854-1921), Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930), Xu Beihong (1895-1953) by Lichia Yiu & Raymond Saner
b) Educational challenges today in China & Europe
lecture by Lichia Yiu, Centre for Socio-Eco-nomic Development, Diplomacy Dialogue Geneva
13:00-15:00 lunch at Propeller, Zinzendorfgasse 17,
15:00-16:30 „Some examples of ‘not-market oriented’ Chinese contemporary art“ lecture by Monica Dematté, curator & sinologue
“Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know” lecture by Marianne Eigenheer, artist and curator, Basel and London
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 „Myth and Art“ lecture by Paul Z. Rotterdam, artist, Harvard University
18:30-19:00 Discussion
19:00-20:00 Dinner in Filmzentrum Rechbauer, Rechbauerstraße 6

20:00-22.30 Location: Filmzentrum Rechbauer, Rechbauerstraße 6,
“Beautiful Crazy” movie by Lee Chi Yuarn
Discussion will be guided by Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu-Saner

Mingle in the cinema

Tuesday, 23rd March 2010 Cultural Identities & Differences

Location: Literaturhaus Graz, Elisabethstraße 30,

8:30-9:30 Morning Reflection with Bengt Uggla Kristensson, Abo Akademi
9:30 15 min. „Knigge for China“ by Hong-Ling Yang, Univ. Graz
9:45-10:00 Coffee
10:00-12:00 „Drawing a line: Van Gogh and the advent of Modernism“ lecture by Paul Z. Rotterdam, artist, Harvard University

12:00-14:00 Lunch (incl. Zadar meeting) at Propeller, Zinzendorfgasse 17,

14:00-15:00 „China welcomes you?“ – lecture by Peter Pakesch, Intendant Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz
15:00-16:00 „Artistic experiences in China“ Lore Heuermann and Franz Yang-Mocnik, visual artists
16:00-16:30 Coffee

16:30-19:00 „Experience in Chinese Cooperations“ – Workshop
„Doing business in China“ – Intercultural Management and China by Wan Jie Chen, SINOplex
Franz Leitner – AVL Graz
Eberhard Schrempf, CIS Graz
Hannes Voraberger, Manager IPF AT&S
Werner Wiedenbauer – BDI – BioDiesel International AG

„Hans List in China 1928 – 1934“ by Kathryn List, AVL Cultural Foundation

Statements and Pannel Discussion guided by Pierre Guillet du Monthoux Copenhagen Business School, Schwungprofessor of NUROPE and Max Valentin Entrepreneur, Stockholm

19:00 Dinner Kings Wok, St. Peter Hauptstraße 119a,
Chinese Business Dinner and book release „NUROPE PHOTOBOOK“

ca. 22:00 Mingle Hotel Erzherzog Johann Bar, Sackstraße 3,

Wednesday, 24th March 2010 Think Tank

Location: Kunsthaus Graz, Lendkai 1,

8:30 Morning Reflection

9:00-10:30 „International Relations at the University of Graz“ lecture by Doris Knasar, Office of International Relations, University of Graz
„City of Graz“ – Introduction by Peter Grabensberger, Head of the Cultural Department, City of Graz
„Cultural Exchange between China and Europe“ lecture by Wan Jie Chen, SINOplex

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-17:00 Think Tank
Moderation by Raymond Saner, Diplomacy Dialogue, Geneva
Lunch and Coffee Breaks included

17:00-18:00 Presentation: Results of the Think Tank

18:00-19:00 Dinner at Kunsthaus

19:15 Location: Opera Graz
„Nomads“ Contemporary Dance, Opera Graz,
Choreography: Darrel Toulon, Music: J.S. Bach

Mingle Hotel Erzherzog Johann, Sackstraße 3

Thursday, 25th March 2010 Future Steps

Location: University of Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, 1st Floor, Gruppenraum

9:00 Morning Reflection Conclusion
10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:00 Information about Zadar Oasis „That Other Sea“ – 22. – 27. August 2010

12:00-13:30 Lunch at University, Café Libresso

13:30 Future steps of NUROPE – Planning Group
Planning of Zadar Oasis


Farewell and Goodbye!
See you again at NUROPE XI in Zadar 22.-27. August 2010

Supported by
S.E. Botschafter Wu Ken, Botschafter der Volksrepublik China in der Republik Österreich
Mag. Franz Voves, Landeshauptmann der Steiermark
Mag. Siegfried Nagl, Bürgermeister der Stadt Graz
Mag. Kristina Edlinger-Ploder, Landesrätin für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Land Steiermark
Dr. Wolfgang Riedler, Kulturstadtrat, Stadt Graz

SINOplex, CSEND – Genf, AVL Cultural Foundation, Hornig Kaffee und Tee Manufaktur,Universalmuseum Joanneum – Kunsthaus Graz

Land Steiermark – Wissenschaft und Forschung, Land Steiermark – Kultur, Stadt Graz – Kultur, Stadt Graz –Wissenschaft, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Karl Franzens Universität Graz, National Chen Chi University, Abo Akademi – NUROPE, ECP – European Cultural Parliament

Organized by
next – Verein für bildende Kunst –

Information and application
0043 699 114 60941